Return and money return policy

Return and money return policy

Return of goods and funds If you have a problem with the product, do the following: Ask for help on the site through the feedback form of the menu item "Feedback" and formulate the problem, maybe we will help you solve it.

Goods and services purchased in the store can be returned or exchanged in time and range in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Rights" You can request a refund without explanation within 14 (fourteen) calendar days. The term of termination of the contract coincides in 14 (fourteen) days from the following dates:

  1. For goods - from the moment when the goods were shipped in accordance with the invoice or other document certifying receipt of the goods by the buyer.
  2. For services - from the moment of signing the act of acceptance-delivery on the performed service. In any case, in resolving disputes, we are guided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Delivery and payment

We deliver our goods throughout Ukraine in the following ways:

  • delivery service "NovaPoshta"
  • delivery service "Ukrposhta"
  • delivery Service (Del Auto)

Delivery is free when ordering goods in the amount of 5000 UAH.

Or you can offer a convenient delivery option. Delivery to the address is possible. When ordering, specify the full delivery address.


All goods in our online store are available. We send on the day of the order or the next day, if the order was created after 15-00.

Delivery time is 1-2 days across Ukraine


Payment is made upon receipt of the goods at the selected delivery service (postpaid) or by prepayment to a bank account.

PrivatBank card number for prepayment:

Privatbank 4149 4390 4401 3484 Haborak Nataliya

Public offer agreement


1.1. This offer is the official offer of the online store "", hereinafter - "Seller", to enter into a contract of sale of goods remotely, ie through the online store, hereinafter - "Agreement", and places a public offer (proposal) on the official website of the Seller ( (hereinafter - the "Website").

1.2. The moment of full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the Seller's offer (acceptance) to enter into an electronic contract of sale of goods, is the fact of payment by the Buyer of the order under this Agreement, within the terms and prices specified on the Seller's website.

Concepts and definitions

2.1. In this offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings: "Goods" - models, accessories, components and accompanying items; "Online store" - in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On e-commerce", a means to submit or sell goods, works or services through an electronic transaction. "Seller" - a company that sells goods presented on the Internet site. "Buyer" - an individual who has entered into an Agreement with the Seller on the terms set forth below .; "Order" - the choice of individual items from the list of goods specified by the Buyer when placing an order and payment.

Scope of the contract

3.1. The Seller undertakes to transfer the Goods to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to pay for and accept the Goods under the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement regulates the purchase and sale of goods in the Online Store, including: - voluntary choice by the Buyer of goods in the Online Store; - independent registration of the order in the Online store by the Buyer; - payment by the Buyer of the order placed in the Online Store; - processing and delivery of the order to the Buyer in the property under the terms of this Agreement.

Ordering procedure

4.1. The buyer has the right to place an order for any product presented on the website of the online store and available.

4.2. Each item can be presented in the order in any quantity.

4.3. In the absence of goods in the warehouse, the Company's Manager is obliged to notify the Buyer (by phone or by e-mail).

4.4. In the absence of the goods the Buyer has the right to replace it with the goods of similar model, to refuse the given goods, to cancel the order. The order of payment of the order


5.1. Payment is made upon receipt of the goods at the branch of the transport company for cash payment in UAH.

5.2. If no funds are received, the online store reserves the right to cancel the order.

Terms of order delivery

6.1. Delivery of goods purchased in the online store is carried out to the warehouses of transport companies, where orders are issued.

6.2. Together with the order, the Buyer is provided with documents in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

Rights and duties:

7.1. The seller has the right to: - unilaterally terminate the provision of services under this agreement in case of violation by the Buyer of the terms of this agreement.

7.2. The buyer must: - timely pay and receive orders under the terms of this agreement.

7.3. The buyer has the right to: - place an order in the online store; - draw up an electronic contract; - require the Seller to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

Responsibilities of the parties

8.1. The Parties shall be liable for non-performance or improper performance of the terms of this agreement in the manner prescribed by this agreement and the current legislation of Ukraine.

8.2. The seller is not responsible for: - the appearance of the Goods changed by the manufacturer; - for a slight discrepancy in the color scheme of the product, which may differ from the original product only due to the different color rendering of personal computer monitors of individual models; - for the content and veracity of the information provided by the Buyer when placing an order; - for delays and interruptions in the provision of Services (order processing and delivery of goods), which occur for reasons beyond its control; - for illegal illegal actions committed by the Buyer through this access to the Internet; - for the transfer by the Buyer of its network identifiers - IP, MAC-address, login and password to third parties;

8.3. The buyer, using the Internet access provided to him, is independently liable for damage caused by his actions (personally, even if under his login was another person) to persons or their property, legal entities, the state or moral principles of morality.

8.4. In case of force majeure, the parties are released from the terms of this agreement. Force majeure for the purposes of this Agreement means events of an extraordinary, unforeseen nature that exclude or objectively interfere with the implementation of this Agreement, which the Parties could not foresee and prevent in reasonable ways.

8.5. The parties shall make every effort to resolve any miscellaneous matters solely through negotiations.


9.1. The online store has the right to unilaterally amend the current agreement, subject to its prior publication on the website

9.2. An online store is designed to organize a remote way of selling goods over the Internet.

9.3. The buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided during registration. In this case, upon acceptance (processing of orders and subsequent payment for the goods), the Buyer provides the Seller with its unconditional consent to the collection, processing, storage, use of their personal data, within the meaning of the Law "On Personal Data Protection".

9.4. Payment by the Buyer executed in the Online Store indicates the full agreement of the Buyer with the terms of the sales contract (public offer)

9.5. The actual data of this electronic agreement between the parties are the data accepted conditionally, in other countries 11 of the Law of Ukraine "About electronic commerce"

9.6. The use of the online store resource for previewing the goods, as well as for placing an order for the Buyer is free of charge.

9.7. The information provided by the Buyer is confidential. The online store uses information about the Buyer only for the purpose of processing orders, sending messages to the Buyer, delivery of goods, communication, etc.

The procedure for returning goods of improper quality

10.1. Return of goods in the online store is in accordance with current legislation of Ukraine.

10.2. Return of goods in the online store is made at the expense of the Buyer.

10.3. When the Buyer returns the goods of proper quality, the Online Store returns to him payment for the goods in cash upon return of the goods less compensation for the costs of the Online Store related to the delivery of the goods to the Buyer.

Term of the contract

11.1. An electronic agreement is considered concluded from the moment a person receives a proposal to enter into such an agreement, adopted on the acceptance of these proposals in the manner prescribed by part six of Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Commerce".

11.2. The parties have the right to terminate the current agreement unilaterally, in case of non-fulfillment by one of the parties of the terms of this Agreement and in cases provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.

Please note that the online store "" on the official website, has the right, in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, to grant the right to use the Internet platform to private individuals and legal entities to sell goods .



The Internet administration of the "Samovyazanka" store guarantees complete confidentiality of information received from registered users. This is confirmed by the installed SSL security certificate and the transfer of data between the user and the site via the reliably secure https protocol.

All information that you provide during registration will be stored in a secure database.

We guarantee complete confidentiality during the execution of the order, and also that the information about the buyer will be used only for the execution of his order. We need your registration data solely so that our managers can contact you by phone, and the delivery service can deliver the goods you ordered to the right place on time.

In addition, by registering, you can receive information about all the news of our store: new arrivals of goods, sales, special programs.

We will not use your data for any fraudulent activity or spam mailings. If you have any problems or questions about authorization-registration in the store - write to us at the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will help you!

About us

Crocheted rugs, wear from workshop SamovyazankaSamovyazanka - it's not just exclusive handmade products, but also a creative process in which each idea becomes a spark for another. Only people who are engaged in needlework understand how much love is in each loop. We create unique clothes for you and your homes.


Knitted elements for home décor - this is one of the most popular areas of modern design. Well-chosen knitwear will be the highlight of the interior. Crocheted rug will be an original and stylish decoration of your home. It is no secret that home is a reflection of our life and our soul. Everyone wants to make it as comfortable as possible for themselves and their families. Rugs are an indispensable detail in every home, such element of decor plays an important role.

We offer crocheted rugs. You can't create such beauty with knitting needles, you just need a hook that can weave both whimsical openwork patterns that always please the eye and dense patterns that will keep you warm, and you will stop worrying about the cold floor without carpets. The popularity of hand-crocheted rugs is growing again.


to create a unique addition to the interior, is another way to make your home unique and inimitable. Interior crochet is developing very rapidly, as it differs favorably from other types of needlework and mass production. Who and in what year invented the first loop is unknown, but it happened long before our era. Nowadays, this wonderful needlework lives and develops, enriched with new techniques, patterns, compositional techniques, modern materials. Despite its compactness and simplicity, it allows you to create unique, unique clothing models and decorative items.

What inspires us?

Creating a knitted rug is an experiment and the art of transforming a cord into something meaningful and original. A knitted rug can have a deliberately careless appearance, and be a real work of art.

We improve our skills, learn different crochet techniques, experiment with new ideas, follow modern trends to create original decorative products for your homes, but most often we gain inspiration from people, sometimes your bold and creative ideas like a challenge for us and we, charged with it, invest a piece of our soul in creating another masterpiece. Your imagination can dictate the most interesting ideas of execution, which can be realized by the skillful hands of masters "Samovyazanka", combining ancient needlework with a modern design solution. This ensemble fits well into any interior and creates an atmosphere of cozy "home style".

Exclusive handicrafts from the workshop "Samovyazanka" will go to people who want to buy not just a product, but a unique handmade work of art, in which the artist's soul is present, it is the belief that such a thing is only you, not half the globe, so who appreciates products from natural materials of the highest quality. Naturalness is the credo of our products. Creating a unique thing is not an easy task. However, inspiration, perseverance and quality materials provide an opportunity to realize the most creative fantasies.

Knitted cotton and polypropylene cords of TM Massagoni are a new direction that opens up a lot of opportunities to create original interior items. What is the secret of these cords? Everything is simple! Lots of advantages and no disadvantages. The quality of Turkish textiles is known far beyond the country and Maccaroni fully justifies its high reputation. A wide range of colors and textures allows you to embody a variety of your fantasies.

What is the advantage of our carpets?

Samovyazanka is a craft manufacturer of modern decorative carpets which will be pertinent in any interior. Carpets are knitted taking into account the features of the interior of a particular room, becoming a bright accent of a harmonious image, each of them is a unique embodiment of taste and imagination, made in limited series. Completely handmade from 100% natural raw materials. Original look, unique design and high quality - this symbiosis combines knitted rugs Samovyazanka.

Natural cotton carpets, rugs, decorative items are very popular and you will in any case find what interests you. To have an original product that will successfully decorate the house and make it atmospheric and cozy, just go to the workshop Samovyazanka. It is very easy to buy a designer carpet from us, because we will not only offer our options, but also listen to every wish of the client.

We can only wish you pleasant shopping and success in realizing the interior of your dreams!

Offline Page

Sample ImagePraesent quis orci tellus. Proin sed augue ac sapien fermentum luctus ut vitae urna. Sed consectetur semper ligula in auctor. In quis dui condimentum elit vehicula tristique. Quisque fermentum volutpat mi at dignissim. In convallis, metus eu euismod blandit, purus dolor congue justo, eu porta ipsum enim a est. Vivamus nec arcu nulla, vitae lobortis nulla.

Quisque luctus, libero eget rutrum mollis; tellus mi vestibulum nisl, eget imperdiet mi neque at nunc. Etiam leo mauris, eleifend in tincidunt eu, tempor pulvinar nisl. Morbi vitae nulla sed arcu sagittis iaculis lacinia ut felis. Pellentesque aliquam, purus id dignissim fringilla, augue odio tempus augue, in porttitor felis ipsum eget magna. Etiam aliquam sapien non velit pulvinar auctor?

Curabitur vitae massa nulla. Donec a orci ipsum, id dignissim eros. Fusce cursus, quam at ultrices convallis, lorem metus sagittis mauris, vitae aliquam nisl arcu at nisl. Integer nisi mi, feugiat mattis suscipit eget, luctus eu justo. Aliquam eu tincidunt quam. Duis vulputate augue ullamcorper mauris tempor blandit.

Suspendisse quis elit sed sapien hendrerit elementum sit amet a est. Sed arcu ipsum, pretium ut mattis at, gravida at sem. Maecenas accumsan auctor fermentum. Donec ultrices metus in nisl tempus vitae molestie sapien convallis. Mauris luctus nisl nec orci eleifend tempor. Duis varius dui vel turpis sollicitudin accumsan at vel est.

Donec condimentum dui et ipsum sagittis nec feugiat felis tempor. Phasellus nibh turpis, scelerisque vel semper eget, egestas id lorem. Morbi pretium, lorem ut bibendum blandit, lorem mi gravida arcu, eu consectetur justo erat vitae ante. Nunc ornare nunc feugiat metus ultricies eget blandit quam luctus. Duis metus sem, pulvinar a iaculis ac, eleifend et purus. Nunc tempus fringilla mi, eu eleifend tortor placerat eget.

Curabitur pellentesque suscipit lectus, nec auctor nibh mattis et. Phasellus commodo, magna quis aliquet iaculis, erat eros condimentum ligula, et ornare leo libero id justo. Maecenas consectetur pellentesque tellus ut placerat? Vivamus viverra sagittis sapien, at suscipit risus interdum euismod. Pellentesque venenatis varius nulla quis hendrerit.

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